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Don’t make any more mistakes when selling your property with our selection of guides. Get informed and discover all the best practices and subtleties of real estate sales in France.

The stages of the sale

The 7 key steps to selling a property From the valuation to the signing of the deed of sale, discover the 7 steps of selling a property. Prepare your project with our seller's guide.
Sales mandate: definition and advice The sales mandate is a mandatory document for the sale of a property through an estate agent.
What is a simple sales mandate? Discover the advantages and disadvantages of the least restrictive real estate sales mandate.
What is a semi-exclusive mandate? Discover the best compromise between the expertise of an estate agency and the freedom of direct sales.
What withdrawal period applies to the real estate mandate? Real estate mandate: find all the information on the withdrawal period and its application modalities.
What are the mandatory real estate diagnostics? Find the essential information to build a complete file before a sale.
New DPE 2023 Everything you need to know about the DPE reform in 2023.
What is the promise to sell? The unilateral promise of sale: commitment of the parties.
Sales agreement: from model to signature Everything you need to know about this first official document before signing
Deed of sale: definition Learn all about the details of the costs associated with the sale or purchase of a property.
Deed of ownership: definition and how to get it? Everything you need to know about this essential document in the life of an owner.
What is real estate appreciation? Everything you need to know to sell your property.

The notary

Notary fees : how are they calculated ? Learn all about the details of the costs associated with the sale or purchase of a property.

Special cases

The sale of a luxury property What are the specifics of the prestige property market? Our advice for a successful sale.
How to sell a listed property? Find the essential information for the sale of these exceptional properties.